• 0 Domestika watercolour tutorial video

    0.00 of 4 votes

     https://www.domestika.org/en/courses/4318-painting-realistic-watercolor-landscapes  Finally, my tutorail course is now active and avalable from Domestika. You can use the link above to access the course and pto make a purchase.   The course follows my painting techniques from start to finish. The subject is a riverscape.   The course is a comprehensive breakdown of my watercolour journey including my influences and styles.  

  • 2 Project: The abstract shore.

    4.25 of 4 votes

      In July this year I embarked on a long awaited project focusing on the shore, and in particular, the submerged rocks and the ocean floor with its dappled light and marine colours. I titled it the abstract shore not because the painting genre is abstract but because I see the random abstraction of the shore itself. The rendering of this 'abstraction' led me to arrange and design the compositions to reflect this. I mention that it was long awaited because it's a subject that required much skill and dexterity when rendered in watercolour. I've shied away from this for many years. But this year, I thought the time was right. The glorious weather inspired me to grasp the nettle and embark on the task. Ever since I was a boy, playing on the beach, searching in rock-pools and swimming around the rocks, I've been fascinated by this 'other world'. In fact i see it more than just another world, I see it as a 'realm', separate in every way from our own habitat. I fancy that it may be a connection with an archetypal image of our beginnings - even a romantic longing for home. The project was somewhat of a departure to my usual subject matter. And is some ways I felt it was original, from the point of view that it has always been my intention to embark on such a subject and also that it is a subject close to my heart.   

  • 1 A week filming with Domestika

    3.50 of 2 votes

      In the first week of April, I went to the Domestika studios in London to shoot the video tutorial featuring my watercolour techniques. The subject was one of my staple river scenes. There were many 'lessons' to cover which, in reality, are my usual painting processes from choosing the subject through to the final painting. Composition, sketching, and the various wash stages were highlighted finishing with detail. It was a fascinating and very enjoyable week. The film crew and producer were wonderful - friendly, helpful and above all, patient. There was a lot of material to get through and sometimes, I 'forgot my lines'! But we got there. i'm very much looking forward to seeing the final product which should be out by May 22. For me it was a landmark in my career as an artist. I feel it is a great accomplishment and endorses my skills and talent as a watercolour artist. 

  • 0 Circle Quarterly Art Review

    0.00 of 0 votes

    I’m very happy to have received this award recently.  In the coming year I will be entering the open exhibitions with the Federation of British artists including; The Royal institute (for painters in Watercolour), The Royal society of Marine artists and the Federation of British artists. I have previously shown my work in the Watercolour open exhibitions over the last 5yrs and was thrilled to have one 2 awards in 2016 & 2017. Next Year I wall also be applying for associate membership to the Institute. Wish me luck!